MoI Arrests 4 Individuals For Spreading Hate On Social Media
Category: Crime News

Ministry of interior arrests 4 individuals spreading hate social media

The Ministry of Interior has released a statement confirming the arrest of four individuals for inciting hatred and spreading discord among members of the community on social media and has referred them to Public Prosecution for legal proceedings.

The Ministry affirms that it will not tolerate such acts and will not hesitate to take legal action against anyone proven to be involved in inciting sedition, hatred, racism, or undermining the fabric of society, threatening its security and stability.

The Ministry also warns against using social media platforms in ways that violate the law, stressing the importance of not insulting society and its unity. This is based on the principle that the bonds of the Qatari society and its stability are the responsibility of everyone.

08 Jul, 2024 0 166
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