Qatari Court Sentences Eight Indians To Death
Category: Crime News

The Indian government said on Thursday that a Qatari court has announced the death penalty for eight Indians arrested there last year.

"We are deeply shocked by the verdict," the statement said, adding that India is considering all legal options.

The Indian and Qatari governments have not officially stated what the eight men were charged with.

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) announced in an official press release that the Qatar Court of First Instance passed a judgement in the case involving 8 Indian employees of Al Dahra company today.

In addition, the company stated that it was in contact with the family members and the legal team, and that all legal options were being explored.

We are very concerned about this matter, the MEA said, adding that they have been closely monitoring it.

This case is of great importance to us, and we have closely followed it. We will continue to extend all consular and legal assistance. We will also take up the verdict with the Qatari authorities,” the MEA release said.

According to the statement, "It would not be appropriate at this time to make any further comments regarding the case due to the confidential nature of the proceedings."

Since October 2022, eight Indian nationals have been imprisoned in Qatar.

I contacted the Indian foreign ministry for comment, but a spokesperson did not respond.

According to the government, it would be inappropriate to make any further comments at this stage given the "confidential nature of the proceedings".

According to officials of the Indian foreign ministry, including Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the nature of the charges against the eight Indian men is still unclear.

The Indian consulate in New Delhi had been granted consular access and had been working to secure the release of the eight Indians. The Indian nationals had their first trial in late March.

A sister of one of the detained officers, Meetu Bhargava, who lives in Gwalior, sought help from the Indian government to bring her brother home.

In a post on X on June 8 she had appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to intervene.“These Ex Navy officers are the pride of the nation & again I request our Hon’ble Prime Minister with folded hands that it is high time that they all are brought back to India immediately without any further delay.

26 Oct, 2023 0 791
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