Commerce Ministry Launches Violation Reporting Service Via MOCIQatar App
Category: Qatar News

On 8 July 2024, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) announced a new service that allows individuals to report violations through the official MOCIQatar App. The app can be downloaded on IOS and Android devices using a QR code provided by the ministry in their recent social media posts. The ministry emphasized that this new complaint submission service will help preserve the rights of Qatar's citizens and residents and improve the quality of services they provide.

The application enables users to submit complaints under the following categories:
Pricing and Sales
Product and Service
Advertisement and Information
Invoice and Payment
Licensing and Compliance
Health, Safety, and Public Order

The Ministry also listed the steps to follow to register a complaint via the app:
Login to the MOCIQatar App
Click on 'Services'
Click on 'Report a Complaint'
Choose the 'Complaint Type'
Choose the 'Complaint Category'
Click Next
Fill out the complaint information
Click Next
Once the complaint is submitted, you can track the status of the complaint.

08 Jul, 2024 0 122
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